Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Have you ever been sooooo mad about something?

Have you ever been so mad your blood was boiling? You wanted to make a difference but didn't know how? That's what petitions are for, so why not start one?

The first time I started a petition I was only 13 years old. I started it on pen and paper though, I hadn't discovered the internet at that point in my life. The petition I started was in reaction to the local baseball card shop announcing they would no longer be carrying comic books. Looking back I realize this was a silly petition because the store owner was clearly not making enough money to justify the space the comic area was taking up. In the end we landed almost 500 signatures which is a pretty large amount considering how old I was and the fact they were pen and paper signatures.

Later on in this blog I'll go over some other good petitions that I started. Thanks for reading!

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