Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What to do after you start your petition?

So this blog will be all about petitions and starting petitions. The most important thing in this post that I want to cover is the promotion of your petitions. If you don't promote your petition correctly then it won't get any signatures and it will never have the impact that you want it to have. If you're going after a large company like WalMart or some other multi-billion dollar company you will need to gain massive signatures if you plan on them noticing you and your petition. With the influx of social news sites like digg and reddit, getting a petition seen by millions is much easier now than it was a few years ago. But digg and reddit will be of no help if your petition isn't in a niche that digg or reddit, typically technology, is interested in. Sometimes it can be a good idea to contact large news sites or blogs, the chances of them adding your petition to their site is slim but if they do, it will instantly be seen by millions of people. Stay tuned for more ideas on starting a petition!

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